‘Everything but Clothes’ exhibition

The visual identity of Dutch fashion photography formed itself on the pages of progressive magazines such as Avenue, Dutch, BLVD. and Fantastic Man. Now, the relationship between these magazines and photographers such as Erwin Olaf, Inez van Lamsweerde, Viviane Sassen, and Blommers & Schumm is explored in an exhibition titled Everything but Clothes on display at Museum Arnhem. Address contributor Danielle Bruggeman visited the show …read more

Book Appeal

For a while now, I have suffered from an acute boredom when it comes to fashion magazines. I used to buy every single magazine I could get my hands on, but now only a few will come home with me from the newsagents. As a diagnosis for this, I can only offer one explanation: I have become more of a reader rather than a viewer. Fashion magazines have always been more about imagery than writing, but it seems to me that this is even more so now …read more